Why was Beta Nu Theta founded? Who is it for? Where is it headed? Our Co-Founder, creator and President, Psalms White has answered these questions as vulnerably as she could for the complete clarity of future members and supporters.

Psalms on the Left; Co-founder Chiazam Omenyi on the right
What is Beta Nu Theta?
Beta Nu Theta is everything I want to be seen in the world- which is people loving another and working together to make their voices strong so that they can speak on behalf the voiceless. It is a space to learn, teach, comfort, and be comforted for. But more than anything, I desire for Beta Nu Theta to be the heart of Jesus.
There’s so many organizations that exist today that associate themselves with God and serving Him. But how many of those organizations try to live like Jesus and how the Bible describes Him- a selfless servant who gave the ultimate sacrifice? I mean, it literally describes him as radical who upset the status quo so much by literally befriending lepers and prostitutes, calling out pharisees on their self-righteousness and calling oppressed people beloved by God that it LITERALLY got him crucified. And it’s crazy to me that people, groups or parties can call themselves Christian yet have the nerve to be out here fighting against gay marriage more than they are fighting for the rights of immigrants and refugees. Or are giving back to their community but allowing misogyny and sexual misconduct to go unheeded among their constituents- or racism- or islamaphobia. And it’s sad that most of the people I talk to say that they’re so turned off by the church because of it’s hypocrisy- but guess what? So was Jesus.
So, since I haven’t yet SEEN anything like it (although it might exist), I believed we needed a place on UNC Chapel Hill’s campus for students to learn to be fearless leaders, discover the peace in vulnerability and forgiveness, and serve like Jesus did for the Chapel Hill community and each other.
Why did you create Beta Nu Theta?
As much as I’ve hated the backlash and accusations towards my motives for creating Beta Nu Theta, the more I continue to self-reflect daily the more I see the truth in some accusations and where that truth lies. It’s true that Beta Nu Theta was created as a reaction to the mental pain I was in during my sophomore year when I was involved in an extremely manipulative romantic situation and ended up withdrawing for a semester because of the deterioration of my mental and physical health. When I returned to school I wanted to come back with a vengeance, and that’s exactly what I did. However, the depth of my fight is something that most people don’t have enough substance to recognize.
My motives weren’t as shallow as just getting back at my ex or sparking competition. The vengeance was for me and for every other person who shared my experiences. It was for the multiple women I knew and the millions I identify with who have had to withdraw inside of themselves to cope with invalidated trauma. It was for those who few other people but me know almost didn’t make it past their struggle alive because of the blame that was put on them for daring to try to be treated with respect- being accused of “not being smart enough” to leave a situation that had escalated too far past intricate manipulation, dangerous lies, verbal devastation and spiritual destruction for it to be considered “playing games.” I wanted people to know how wrong they were/are for putting their status and popularity above some one else’s life. But more than that, I wanted the people who have been in my position to know that they never have anything to be ashamed of no matter what anyone says.
There is nothing wrong with fully experiencing your emotions and admitting to being broken, taken advantage of, traumatized, depressed, angry or any other lasting feeling that convinces us we are inadequate for being in such a vulnerable state. Each day that I get closer to full healing, the vision of possibilities for service and activism within this organization become clearer. As God continues to work on my heart, giving me peace, healing, and the strength to forgive but not forget, my direction is continuously guided towards something that has the potential to change the course of our society.
What is your hope for Beta Nu Theta’s future?
Well, I definitely want it to go farrrrrr beyond Chapel Hill. The goal this year is to increase outreach to groups outside of campus where the focus will still be on interacting with the campus community but only in order to get them interacting and creating relationships within different communities in our city. This is why I love that we will be partnering with GirlTrek this year which follows the mantra (coined by Harriett Tubman),"save yourself and then come back for your sisters." They do this by going on walks for their own health and then encouraging all type of other people to join them until there is a big enough group to walk for certain causes or for a group service activity. Fundraisers and events are great and all, but it takes a special type of person with a special type of heart to place themselves in low places to love, encourage, and fight for the liberation of others. It takes even more dedication to want to go into those places knowing you may be rejected, yet loving those people enough to share truth with them so that they can take charge of their own liberation.
The future of Beta Nu Theta will be the strongest network of fighters that anyone has seen since the Black Panther Party. With God leading our efforts, keeping us centered, and freeing us from fear- we are and will always be a voice for radical love. A love that makes the existence of injustice intolerable and the idea of sacrificing for those who have nothing to sacrifice comforting. I also hope to have some other BNT chapters on other campuses within the next few years until it's eventually world wide- which it will be. Amen.