Welcome to the organization page of UNC's Beta Nu Theta Service Fraternity

Welcome to the organization page of UNC's newest service fraternity, Beta Nu Theta. Beta Nu Theta is a black co-ed service fraternity founded on the principles of
Service for others &
Service to self
Our mission is to be the heart of God through fearless service and focused advocacy.
Our Mission
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Always ask yourself "where am I using my InnerG?"
Another way to see your Inner(G) is as your guidance from the Holy Spirit. In John 14 (NIV), Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit as a helper in his physical absence saying, "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." (John 14:16-18).
The Holy Spirit represents the heart of Jesus, which was one of selflessness, sacrifice, and forgiveness. Unfortunately, most people use their God-given talents and energy to bring glory to themselves. And many Christians prioritize the very laws that Jesus sought to challenge over helping the people Jesus sought to save. It takes a lot of faith to take risks on the behalf of people you don't even know in hopes that some day they will live in a better reality. It takes faith to pray for peace in devastating situation. It takes faith to forgive yourself and others for the sake of growth and healing. But it is the Inner(G) of the Holy Spirit that gives us the strength to do this. In Beta Nu Theta Service Fraternity, we refuse to let the laws and norms in our society dictate how we choose to love one another.
What is Beta Nu Theta?

The goal of Beta Nu Theta is to help strengthen the community at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill by providing a co-ed, faith-based addition to our traditional minority-centered organizations. Beta Nu Theta will also participate in helping provide a safe space for mental health and wellness for African-American students on campus, as well as add a space for students to plan acts of resistance in order to bring about social justice and reform.
What Beta Nu Theta is NOT:
1. It is NOT a social fraternity​
Most social fraternities and sororities are recognized by one of the four councils which regulate and sponsor their activities. Beta Nu Theta is a service organization and is therefore overseen by a faculty adviser. It is also non-exclusive, meaning you can be a member of another fraternity or sorority and be a member of Beta Nu Theta as well.
2. It is NOT a club/committee
Beta Nu Theta is an independent organization. We are not a subcommittee of the Black Student Movement (BSM), the Campus Y, or any other established UNC organization. However, we are always looking for collaborative opportunities to make campus (and the world!) a better place.
3. It is NOT a place for negative energy
Because Beta Nu Theta is purposed as a safe space for students of color, there is no tolerance for anyone who brings negative energy into our spaces. As opposed to looking at merit or academic status when we are determining new members, we are looking for like-hearted students with a passion to serve.