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Check out our events from last year! 

We encourage all members of the organization and the UNC community to come up with events and opportunities for service. Check out the events we were able to come up with last year and feel free to view our upcoming events page to see how to get involved or give us suggestions for an event you would like to us have or a cause you would like us to advocate for. 

Revolution 101

Revolution 101 was a course that Founder and President Psalms White taught during the spring semester of 2018. The purpose of this course was to explore the ideologies of racism, supremacy, nationalism, and radicalism and how they have created systems of oppression that often go undetected. Using her major of Communication Studies, Psalms was able to break down the ideologies of white supremacy, police brutality, the "war on drugs", different forms of legal discrimination and brilliantly connect them to the concept of hegemony.

Thank you so much for coming and teachin

Featured is Sidney Wadsworth as a guest speaker who taught a Revolutionary 101 class on Afrocentricity in mid February. 


Survivor is our most cherished event as it provides a space for students in the community to come and share their truth in a confidential space for the purpose of unpacking their own baggage while being surrounded by support and also becoming a resource for students with similar struggles.




During the fall semester we held weekly Bible study to promote group faith-based conversations and personal spiritual growth. 

A dose of black and brown girl joy for y



We looveee mindfulness exercises here at Beta Nu Theta, and thanks to current UNC student Aziza Littlejohn (C'O 2019) we were able to have weekly yoga during the fall semester to help us stay centered throughout the week. 


BNT 3K for Mind Health

Our first Annual BNT 3K for Mind Health was held in March in Charlotte, North Carolina for the purpose of using exercise to promote better holistic health as well as educate people about the health disparities caused by stress and mental illness in minority communities. 

#BNT3KforMindHealth 💖 thank you to the
Thank you to everyone who came out for B

Let's Talk About Sex

At this event, our member Abby and Bedsider- the organization she was apart of- came and gave an informational talk about consent, birth control, the stigmas around STD's and safer sex options to decrease the chances of spreading or contracting ST'D's. We played games with t-shirt prizes and got SWAG bags with condoms and stickers which was great. 

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